I met Daniel alias blue13 in my water polo team. We made a lot of interesting computer experiences together, for example we ordered our first SuSE Linux and installed our first Linux from scratch. With Spacenations we started our own online game.
I know Eva alias Brossibaer from the sport lessons at school. We started our websites about the same time and helped each other.
Microsoft's InternetExplorer is everthing but secure. The browser of the Norwegian company Opera Software is simply the better program. Small, fast, secure and with a lot of innovative ideas.
The Linux User Group Oberhausen Rheinland offers good contact for people from Oberhausen who are interested in Linux. Meeting are organized regularly.
Arch Linux
Arch Linux is my favorite Linux distribution. Just make it simple and lightweight.
Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure
The politicians in Europe argue about software patents. The Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure fights against software patents in Europe.
In the summer vacation 2002 Daniel and I started coding an online game. Since then Spacenations is improved constantly. In the game you can play with or against tousands of other players.
Since I got a great camera I'm active member of the fotocummunity. There you can find some of my pictures as well.